Friday, 13 November 2015

HP UFT/QTP SAP Automation testing challenges and mitigations

1. Uploading and downloading windows based files from the SAP application
Create Wscript and Mercury.DeviceReplay objects to use keyboard/mouse operations an dailog boxes and pop ups to downloa/upload files

2. During the system upgrade change the in property values in the objects under test
In such cases we followed an approach to get the list of transports and identifying the related automated test cases and after build is available perform the initial run on related test cases to identify changes

3. Automating interface excel files (with Macros)
Created test library functions to perform that activity

4. Reading data from SAP integrated PDF files
Till HP QTP 11.0 version:
install AcroRd32.exe and make enable AcroExch object to recognize PDF files content
From UFT 11.5 Version:
There is a content checkpoint feature added. From that we can read the data from different files ex: PDF, HTML, RFT, txt, doc, etc: easily.

5. Automation of scripts which works with different time zones
Created prerequisite scripts which would actually change the timezone in the executing system before starting up actual test scripts

6. Identifying run time generated objects
use descriptive programming or use regular expression in object property values to recognize run time generated values

7. Handling certain popups during automation execution. For example, sometimes during execution of automated test, application throws popup and QTP hangs up at this point.
The only solution is to kill the session. Write VB code to handle the popup and call the script separately.

8. Managing reusability of functionalities and dynamic test data.
A well defined test automation framework with defined guidelines and best practices to be used.


  1. Hello.
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  3. Hi Govardhan,
    I have challenge point 3, SAP inbuilt Marcos to set/get data with UFT

    Kindly help me the solution

    This will be great help for me

    Thanks and regards

  4. Very informative post. Anyone looking for an online training in UFT for SAP application testing can find it here:
