Showing posts with label Download attachments from Defect Tab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Download attachments from Defect Tab. Show all posts

Monday, 16 November 2015

Downloading all defects attachments from HP ALM in one go with OTA API VBscript

Below code downloads an attachments of defect in HP ALM

Set udv_tdc = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
    udv_tdc.InitConnectionEx "https://<QCServer>/qcbin"
    udv_tdc.Login "ABCD""XXX"
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        lblMessage.Caption = ("Error: ") & Err.Description
        'MsgBox "Error occurred with description: "& Err.Description
        'Exit Sub
    End If
    ''Making enable of available domains
    udv_tdc.Connect "Domain""Project"

    If udv_tdc.Connected = True Then
        'lblMessage.Caption = "User Authenticated successfully. !!"
        'MsgBox "User Authenticated successfully. !!"
        'lblMessage.Caption = "User Authentication is Failed. Please check you access to HP ALM. !!!"
        'MsgBox "User Authentication is Failed. Please check you access to HP ALM. !!!"
    End If

    Set BugCollection = udv_tdc.BugFactory.Filter

    BugCollection.Filter("BG_BUG_ID") = "1234" ' filtering with bug ID, comment/change it based on your requirment
    Set BugList = BugCollection.NewList
    bugnum = BugList.count

    'print QCConnection.DomainName
    'MsgBox  "Working on :=> " & bugnum & " Defects"

    For Each Bug in BugList   

        Set attachFact = Bug.Attachments
        Set attachList = attachFact.NewList("")
        AttachmentCount = attachList.count

        'MsgBox "Start Bug ID:=> "& bug.ID &" Total Number of Attachments :=> " & AttachmentCount

        For each FileAttch in attachList
            zeroName = FileAttch.Name(0)
            oneName = FileAttch.Name(1)
            'MsgBox "0: " & zeroName & " 1: " & oneName
            FileAttch.Load True,"C:\Govardhan\Temp\ALM\Atmts"

        Set ExStrg = FileAttch.AttachmentStorage
        'ExStrg.ClientPath = "E:\Govardhan\"& QCConnection.ProjectName&"\"&Bug.ID
        ExStrg.ClientPath = "C:\Govardhan\Temp\ALM\Atmts"
        ExStrg.Load  FileAttch.Name, True


        'MsgBox "End Bug ID:=> "& bug.ID &" Total Number of Attachments :=> " & AttachmentCount


    Set BugCollection = Nothing
    Set BugList = Nothing
    Set attachFact = Nothing
    Set attachList = Nothing
    Set ExStrg = Nothing
    Set udv_tdc = Nothing