JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test1') AS ABC,
JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test2') AS MNO,
JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test3') AS XYZ,
FROM [dbo].[Table]
WHERE ISJSON([Test]) = 1 AND JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test1') IS NOT NULL
Group by JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test2'), JSON_VALUE([DefinedData], '$.Test2'), JSON_VALUE([Test], '$.Test3'), Column4
''Distinct top query with group by
SELECT distinct TOP (100) ([Value])
FROM [dbo].[Test]
Where [Col1] in
(Select Col1 FROM [dbo].[Test2] )
And [Key] = 'Testing'
group by [Value]
Select Distinct Top(1) Col1 as Col1Name, Col2, Count(Col1) as Records, Col3 from cfo.Test Group By Col1, Col2, Col3 Order by Col3 Desc
Nested json:
Nested JSON Query:
select col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6 from Tabl1 WITH (NOLOCK)
where col3= 'Test' and Col4 = 'Test'
and JSON_VALUE(JSON_QUERY(data,'$.data."Output.Facility"'),'$[0].subId')= 'Test'
Order by Col1 Desc
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