Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Create group reservations for concurrent licenses

To reserve a limited amount of licenses for use by different groups of users.


1. Create a plan which machines/users are restricted to using (or from using) particular amount of licenses and/or its features

2. Create the Reservation file (lsreserv) based on step 1 using the Wlsgrmgr.exe (see more on below section)

(Recommended) Save created file on the same directory where the process used by the License Server service.

3. If file is not saved on above location, then create a Windows System Environment Variable called “LSRESERV”, pointing to where lsreserv file is located (step 3)

Note: If the variable is not set, the local directory is searched for the “lsreserv” file. If none of the above suggestions are set, reservation feature is not used.

4. Restart the License Server service

5. If above doesn’t reflect the use of file, then restart/reboot machine
Note: To disable/turn-off the reservation file, just rename LSRESERV file mentioned on steps 2,3, and restart License Server.

General Guidelines:

1. The name of the file containing the group reservations should be lsreserv, and it should be located in the installation directory for the license server.

2. Adding, modifying, or deleting the lsreserv file must be followed by restarting the SentinelLM service for the changes to take effect.

3. User names in the lsreserv file are case-sensitive.

4. User names can appear in more than one group. The license manager searches downwards through the lsreserv file, using the first group it finds with that user in it.

5. Adding, modifying, or deleting the LSRESERV system environmental variable requires a server reboot for the changes to take effect. The value of this system environmental variable should be the full path (including the file name) to the lsreserv file, and it allows the reservations file to be placed somewhere other than the installation directory.

Setting Group Reservations
Group reservations give you the ability to exercise local administrative controls by associating a series of groups with each feature and reserving for each group a pool containing a certain number of licenses. Any licenses not specifically reserved fall into the general pool.

Including/Excluding Users
Selected users can be allowed to run certain applications or can be prevented from accessing applications. This can be used as an additional security measure.

Including/Excluding Computers
Certain computers can also be allowed to run or prevented from running applications. This can help to balance application usage when you want to prevent users from running applications on heavily loaded computers or file servers.

Configuring the Reservation File A group specification consists of:

1. The name of the feature for which the reservation applies.

Important: If you use FT-Unified and FTAddIns license features, please ensure, that you use first FT-Unified and then FTAddins. Otherwise the reservation for the FT-Unified feature will seemingly be ignored. This seems to be either a defect or an internal interpretation error.

2. The name of the group

3. The number of licenses reserved for that group

4. The login names of users or host IDs of computers that belong to that group

The groups must be mutually exclusive. Different groups for the same feature should not have common users or computers. The number of licenses reserved for a feature cannot exceed the number of concurrent copies specified in the license code for that feature.

Background functionality

1. When the License Server receives a request, it checks whether the user making the request belongs to a group. If so, and licenses are available for that group, the License Server will issue the license(s) and remove them from that group’s pool. Otherwise, requests will be serviced with licenses from the general pool until no licenses are available.

2. At start up, the License Server consults the environment variable, LSRESERV, for the path and file name of the reservation file. If the variable is not set, the local directory is searched for the file, lsreserv. If no file is found, the License Server assumes that no reservations exist. Reservation File (lsreserv) Format
Group reservations should be entered according to the following format, with one group per line:

feature_name,ver:group_name:num_of_licenses:{ user_name | computer }

One or more of user_name and/or computer may be specified, but at least one value must be specified in the last field. Version number is optional. If no version number is specified, only the feature name is used.

The characters $ and ! have special meaning: $ indicates the computer name, and ! indicates a logical NOT.

For example, two users, one computer in group 1:

stars:group1:2:tom bryant $athena

One user, one computer in group 2:

stars:group2:1:doug $0x4f3c5801

One computer to be excluded from dots, two licenses to be reserved for jill:

dots:group1:2:!$0x592ae8b0 jill

In these examples, the two groups denoted as group1 are distinct because they specify different feature names.

The following apply to groups:

* A maximum of 256 groups with 256 members (user names or computer IDs) each are supported. Versions of the license server greater than, or equal to, 8.0.5 support 1024 members in a group.

* Groups must be mutually exclusive.

* Different groups for the same feature should not have common users of computers.

* Group names and member names cannot exceed 64 characters each.

* The number of licenses reserved for a feature cannot exceed the number of concurrent copies specified in the license code for that feature.

* If you want to exclude all members of a group from using license tokens for a feature, you can specify 0 tokens.

* If the number of license tokens reserved is greater than the number of concurrent copies specified for the feature in the license code, the number of tokens specified in the license code will be used.

* The group reservation assumes the priority as per the information available in the group reservation file.

* The License Server user guide(index.html) can be found in \LicenseServer\server\SysAdminHelp. In this guide “Setting Group Reservations” directory has detailed information on how to setup reservation to users or groups.

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