Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Automation Transition project questionnaire

Below are few of the points I would suggest for automation transition project questionnaire, though it is varies project to project.

·          Details of tools being used, Add-ins, version and licensing model
·         Provide the list of in scope application and the current automation status (in %) and pass/fail scripts status
·         Provide the list of scenarios (business case E.g. Postpaid customer activation) which are automated end to end
·         Apart form automation tool which other scripts (Perl,shell..etc) are used for automation and for which application?
·         What is current framework? Will this framework be part of transition or it is vendor specific?
·         Provide the details for test case tracebility
·         Provide all completed automation scripts
·         Provide the detail of ongoing task on automation
·         Is their any defined automation scope/target? 
·         Provide the details regarding the integration of automation tool with test mangemnt tool (E.g. HPALM) and any common repository toosl like (SVN/CVS/VSS..etc)
·         Any know issues encountered during automation with respect to environment stability?
·         Any current firewall, connectivity and licencing issue ongoing? How to deal with such issues?
·         In automated test cases what are the manual interventions?
·         What is current approach and frequency of maintaining already automated scope? How much effort does it take?
·         Please let us know the number automation execution request per month
·         Provide the detail of documentation done for automation. Also share the loaction where these documents are stored.
·         Provide the list of interfaces with technolofies in the application if any are being used during automation creation/execution
·         provide the list of dedicated/remote machines list if we are using those already for the automation
·         provide the automation test release report(latest) with all details
·         provide the list defects list if any are being linked to any automatoin scripts (known issues with automation scripts)

Monday, 30 May 2016

SAP Automation tidbits

Below are tidbits used when you are automating SAP applications.

''' Generic function to verify success message displays in status bar
Public Function SAP_VerifySuccessMsg(objSAPWindowName)
On Error Resume Next
Report_WriteStepHeader("<B> Verify Success Message in the statusbar </B>")

strSBarSuccessMsg = SAPGuiSession("SAPSession").SAPGuiWindow(objSAPWindowName).SAPGuiStatusBar("StatusBar").GetROProperty("text")

intTransNum = Trim(Split(Split(strSBarSuccessMsg,"Transaction ")(1)," saved")(0))
Print intTransNum
On Error GoTo 0
SAP_VerifySuccessMsg = intTransNum
End Function

''Making fields values empty:
SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Purchasing Documents").SelectMenuItemById "DELSCTX"

If SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Purchasing Documents").SAPGuiEdit("Purchasing document").Exist(intMinSyncTime) Then
PODefaultValue=SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Purchasing Documents").SAPGuiEdit("Purchasing document").GetROProperty("value")
If PODefaultValue<>"" Then
SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Purchasing Documents").SAPGuiEdit("Purchasing document").SetFocus
SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Purchasing Documents").SAPGuiEdit("Purchasing document").SetCaretPos 0
Set WScript = createobject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.SendKeys "^"+"{A}"
WScript.SendKeys "{DEL}"
Set WShell = Nothing
End If
End If

''''################### to make sure cell is editable in SAP table
BlockCellEditable1=SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Change S/O SysB SDI 4").SAPGuiTable("Dates").IsCellEditable(1, "Block")
    If Trim(BlockCellEditable1)="True"  Then
      SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Change S/O SysB SDI 4").SAPGuiTable("Dates").SetCellData 1,"Block",""
      SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Change S/O SysB SDI 4").SAPGuiTable("Dates").SelectCell 1,"Block"
      SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Change S/O SysB SDI 4").SendKey ENTER
      If SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Information").Exist Then
       SAPGuiSession("SAPGuiSession").SAPGuiWindow("Information").SAPGuiButton("Continue   (Enter)").Click
      End If
    End If

'''############Changing reply mode type

Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2 'Mouse
Browser("KnowledgeInbox").Page("ReplayType").WebEdit("txtReplayType").Set "KnowledgeInbox"
Browser("KnowledgeInbox").Page("ReplayType").WebButton("Type and enable me").Click
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1 'Events