Saturday, 4 January 2014

SAP Automation Testing with SAP TAO

SAP-Testing Acceleration and Optimization

Steps for working with SAP TAO:

Step1: Start TAO Agent and check system connections to work further
Click on Start(Windows) à All Programs à SAP TAO à SAPTAO Agent (That is the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP TAO\SAPTAO.exe")

Give your credentials i.e. user-id and password of your Solution Manager account.
User:XXX                Password: XX
Click on “Log on” button.
Now click on “Connect” icon on the left side pane of the above SAP TAO Screen.

You can see SAP System as Connected and SAP QC needs to be connected.
If you find both are not connected first Connect SAP System and SAP QC system.
For SAP system i.e. “System Under Test” is the System in which you would like to perform your Testing.
Client: 100             User ID:                Password:
Then Click on “Test SAP Connection” button.
For SAP Quality Center by HP, you need to connect to your HP-QC Domain and Project.
Server URL: https://<Server>/qcbin
User:   Password:
Then Click on “Login” button.
Then select the domain and project as below:
Then click on “Connect to Project”.
Now you are able to see the following screen with all the green buttons in the status bar of the screen, which means all connections are ok.

Step2: SAP TAO Configurations to work
Click on “Configurations” link/tab in the SAP TAO screen on the top right side of the screen.
The configurations of each tab

Step3: Click on “SAP Quality Center” link/tab and QC will be opened. Then enter the credentials to open QC Project.

Step4: Click on “SAP GUI” link/tab and specified SAP under test system is opened directly.

Step4: Now try to record your components, then consolidate the components, then integrate a business scenario in Test Plan and consolidate the scenario into single script, then run the script from Test Lab.
Points to be remembered while recording new Components:

First find out whether the components are existing for the same T-Code, if exist, first analyze the screens, if all are same then use the same component else try to record the component with a new variant.

Creating new Components:
Using the Design module/tab from TAO you can built up the new components.
In the Design module you can create new Process Flow Analysis (PFA). A PFA records all actions you are doing on the screen in a SAP transaction and creates the test script with it. Therefore one PFA belongs to one transaction. The script recorded with all user inputs and actions for the transaction are being inspected and will be processed in scripted business components.
Also an excel sheet will be automatically created for each PFA where you find all input parameters used for executing the SAP transaction, called “DataTable”. These excel files you can find in the path mentioned under “PFA à Local Folders” of “Configuration” link:

While running a PFA a temporary XML file will be created called Tao Execution Context under the path “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\”. This file logs all entries and transfers to the DataTable excel. Because a test case usually contains several PFAs it has to be ensured that the transactions are working with the resulting data from the previous transactions. This is enabled by specified QTP scripted business components with parameters to transfer the data.

Creating a new PFA

1.      Go to Design module
2.      Click on New in the Executable Objects section

3.      Select the needed executable SAP transaction and click OK

(Name for analysis is already populated with time stamp concatenated to it, which can be changed according to your naming conventions.)

4.      Click on New on the PFA tab
5.      Choose Start for Process Flow Analysis.
6.      The transaction is launched on the managed system along with the following PFA controller

7.      Execute the process flow as a business user in the SAP system. You can also add checkpoints if required
8.      After executing the transaction completely, stop the PFA by clicking on Stop the PFA button in the PFA controller window.
9.      A report is generated which captures the activities performed by business user.

10.   Then click on upload. After the upload is successful the following you can see
A)      The PFA is saved in the folder path of QC you set-up in the TAO Configuration.
i.e. “Subject\Training\PFA

B)      The Excel file is also created for each PFA under a specific folder path as specified in the configuration setup.
i.e. “path

See the Configuration tab for the above settings.

If you execute the same PFA from QC it should pass except for the checkpoints.

Change the PFA created to general form with the following steps:
1)      In the “InitializeContext” component change the data as in the screen for promoting the parameters which can be used in other components as well

2)      Also in the Parameters tab of the PFA put the DataTable path
If you want to execute the same PFA multiple times without any failure, you should make it more generalized format.
For that you have to check the properties of the fields whether they are in general uniquely identifiable. That is the DataTable fields are managed correctly with parameters (updated according to the Execution context).